Term to describe an individual with skill level beyond expert, possessing abilities that should not be used conventionally in their field of expertise

I am writing an instruction for using some software at my work, and have a somewhat tongue-in-cheek section that covers techniques that should only be used in the most dire of circumstances when there is absolutely no other way to produce a result.

I have an "Expert-Level Techniques" section already, and am trying to find a good word to replace "expert" in this tongue-in-cheek section that does justice to the type of techniques being described. These are techniques that would be frowned upon by other experts in the field, but can deliver results in the most dire of times.

Originally I considered "God-Mode" (referring to the similar usage in many video games for when you cheat) and I've had "Black-magic", "witchcraft" and "Voodoo" suggested to me, but I want to avoid using a word that might be seen to reference race or religion.

Single or compound words, or phrases would be fine in this circumstance.

Virtuoso might be tongue-in-cheek enough?

Virtuoso: a person who is extremely skilled at something, especially at playing an instrument or performing.

How about "emergency techniques"? From Lexico:

emergency: Arising from or used in an emergency.

One could characterize the direst of times or circumstances as an emergency. One could also say "use-only-in-case-emergency techniques", or, related, "when-all-else-fails" techniques.

"Hail Mary techniques" is also a possibility. From Wiktionary:

Hail Mary (pass) : An act done in desperation, with only a very small chance of success.

This would fit well in a "tongue in cheek" section.

For something beyond expert, but rejected because it puts the person beyond a normally accepted playing field in a way that is almost like cheating, consider unnatural:

1 : not being in accordance with nature or consistent with a normal course of events
   // She has an unnatural obsession with money.


Expert-Level Techniques
Unnatural Techniques (Abilities)

A similar word is uncanny:

1 a : seeming to have a supernatural character or origin : EERIE, MYSTERIOUS
1 b : being beyond what is normal or expected : suggesting superhuman or supernatural powers
       // an uncanny sense of direction

I don't personally think this works as well as unnatural, but I provide it as an alternative or for the purpose of comparison.

I'll note that I also don't know the details of the software being documented, so it could actually fit in that specific context in a way that it wouldn't in general.