I've been looking for this for a while, and I can't find it anywhere.

I need to be able to zoom (equivalent of ctrl + shift + '+') via the terminal. I've tried xdotool, but do not know how to get it to register '+' (or the = key).

This is very important and has been a life dream of mine. Now that I'm somewhat capable with Ubuntu, I feel that I can finally achieve this goal: I need to make an alias such that when I type in "enhance", everything zooms.

Solution 1:

The xdotool commands to use are:

  • Zoom in (aka Ctrl++)

    xdotool key Ctrl+plus
  • Zoom out (aka Ctrl+-)

    xdotool key Ctrl+minus
  • Normal size (aka Ctrl+0)

    xdotool key Ctrl+0