How to download facebook videos by using 'youtube-dl' in linux?

I am unable to download Facebook video using youtube-dl. The following error occurs during downloading:

$ youtube-dl
[1] 5101
[2] 5102
[3] 5103
theater: command not found
[2]-  Done                    set=vb.107925785982
[3]+  Done                    type=2
[2]-  Done                    set=vb.107925785982
[3]+  Done                    type=2
$ [generic] video: Requesting header

$ WARNING: Falling back on generic information extractor.
[generic] video: Downloading webpage
ERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [Errno 8] _ssl.c:510: EOF occurred in violation of protocol>

[1]+  Exit 1                  youtube-dl

When using youtube-dl try to clean up the URL you use. For example, the following URL will work. Thanks for the video ^_~.


How did you install youtube-dl? If you installed it through apt, I would recommend the following:

sudo apt-get remove youtube-dl
sudo apt-get install $(apt-cache depends youtube-dl | grep Depends | sed "s/.*ends:\ //" | tr '\n' ' ')
sudo pip install youtube-dl

pip seems to have a more up-to-date version.

Some characters need to be escaped to prevent issues. You can single-quote your URL to help prevent these issues:

  • youtube-dl 'https://domain.tld/path/file.ext'

You have to escape ampersands (&) or put the whole URL in quotes since ampersand is one of the special characters that's interpreted by your shell and prevents you from passing the whole URL to youtube-dl. More on this. So just putting it in single quotes will suffice:

youtube-dl ''

  1. right click on the video > click on "show the video URL" > copy the URL there come (NOT the URL of the facebook page).

  2. Then, paste the URL copied on the terminal next to 'youtube-dl'

    Ex.: youtube-dl

This worked in my Linux Mint 18.3-cinammon maybe it could work in yours.You can download video in facebook using youtube-dl by appending Facebook username and password as shown below:

youtube-dl <url> --username <YOUR_USERNAME> --password <YOUR_PASSWORD>

I hope this help. Thank you.

youtube-dl --username xxxxx --password xxxxx -t -f mp4 ''