How to configure up arrow to search the history? [duplicate]

Both methods below are almost equivalent, it just depends on which file you want to edit. I'd recommend .bashrc myself, as it doesn't involve editing a local copy of a system file.

If you experience any problems with this, please comment below so that it can be fixed.

Using ~/.bashrc

  1. Edit ~/.bashrc with this command:

    gedit ~/.bashrc
  2. Add the following lines:

    bind '"\e[A": history-search-backward'
    bind '"\e[B": history-search-forward'
  3. Save then close the file.
  4. Execute this command in a terminal:

    source ~/.bashrc

Using ~/.inputrc

  1. Execute this command in a terminal:

    cp /etc/inputrc ~/.inputrc
  2. Edit the new ~/.inputrc file with this command:

    gedit ~/.inputrc
  3. Append these lines to the file:

    "\e[A": history-search-backward
    "\e[B": history-search-forward


  • incremental history searching with .inputrc ?
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As alternative, you can press Ctrl+R then start typing the command or any part of the command that you are looking for. You'll see an auto-complete of a past command at your prompt. If you keep typing, more specific options will appear. You can also press Ctrl+R again as many times as you want to, this goes back in your history to the previous matching command each time (source: Navigating Bash History with Ctrl+R).

Another suggestion, if you want to find, for example, the last 5 commands from your history starting with "p", you can use the following command:

grep "^p" ~/.bash_history | tail -n 5