Unbinding F10 on a terminal [duplicate]

I have noticed that if I press F10 when on a terminal, Ubuntu or the terminal opens the File Menu. Is there any way to unbind this?

I don't see any entries with F10 on System settings -> Keyboard shortcuts

I want to use function keys in Emacs to debug my code (e.g. F10 triggering gud-step, etc.) when running Emacs within a terminal ( emacs -nw) but at the moment the terminal seems to be capturing my keys.

Update 1:

If I go to Edit -> Keyboard Shortcuts I can disable the option "Enable the menu short key (F10 by default)". So I disabled it. However , the key F10 is still bound to the menu!!

Is there a way to unbind this key other than through the Edit-> Keyboard shortcuts menu? Perhaps there is a configuration text file under etc where I can activate/deactivate keyboard shortcuts?

Update 2:

I also followed all the tricks here and they didn't work. F10 still behaves as an accelerator in the terminal.

This is all on Ubuntu 11.10

Update 3:

Following the suggestions in this link I also tried:

3.1 Adding the following code to ~/.gtkrc-2.0

binding "NoKeyboardNavigation" {
        unbind "<shift>F10"

class * binding "NoKeyboardNavigation"

3.2 Adding the following code to ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css

@binding-set NoKeyboardNavigation {
    unbind "<shift>F10"

* {
    gtk-key-bindings: NoKeyboardNavigation

and the problem still persists.

Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 LTS

In terminal, hit Windows (super) key + F10 to open Application menu: 1

Click Preferences, and untick "Enable the menu accelerator key (F10 by default)" 2

If you're using gnome-terminal, go to Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts. There is an option to unbind F10 from the file menu. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an option for F11. But note that F11 is a system-wide shortcut for full-screen.

Update: Thanks to James Henstridge for pointing out that there is an option for F11, since it appears on the view menu! Unfortunately OP says this is not working. I am not able to reboot at the moment to determine if it works on my system.

Ok, I found this: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1017546#p1017546 . Does that work?