Hard to find one window among many

Solution 1:

I'd suggest Alex Launi's answer, but with one tweak: enable Window Title Display.

  1. Open CompizConfig Settings Manager
  2. Enable module called Text
  3. Find module called Scale Addons
  4. Switch to tab Appearance
  5. Open the Window Title drop-down
  6. Switch Window title display parameter to All windows. You might want to increase font size also.

After this tweak the double-click on the launcher icon should suit your needs.

Solution 2:

I've found a great plugin from compiz-plugins-extra, which is the Scale Window Title Filter.

  • After enabling it, first you press Super+W which brings all candidate windows (I've tuned to showing only windows in current workspace).

  • Then just TYPE the keyword of the window you are looking for and confirm with Enter to go for it!

If you know exactly what you want, this is faster than any keyboard+mouse-selecting-and-confirming combination. In the best case, you can get exactly just the one result you expect.

Woo-hoo, searching rocks!! :)

Solution 3:

First install compiz-plugins-extra Install compiz-plugins-extra.

Then enable the scale mode addons in compiz using the Compiz Config Settings Manager, then restart unity (run unity in the run dialogue (alt+f2)).

Now, when you have multiple windows open, you can type a part of the name of the window you want to narrow your search, while keeping the visual preview.


When I talk about searching, I'm referring to search from scale mode (which is what happens if you click on the icon of an application with multiple windows open, or hit super+W).

Solution 4:

Clicking on the the launcher icon of the application whose windows you want to view a second time will initiate a spread mode, where you can see all of the open windows for that application, and pick the the one you want. This also works via the keyboard shortcut for that application.