Single word for someone who does not eat mammal's meat

Is there a single descriptor for someone who eats anything (chicken, fish, insects, veggie burger,...) but just not any mammals (from the conviction that they are "to close to us" to serve as food). Not a compound something like pollo-pesco-ovo-etc-arian, but a single word?

Solution 1:

Is there a single descriptor for someone who eats anything (chicken, fish, insects, veggie burger,...) but just not any mammals

Someone who does not eat mammals'meat is called mafist. Mafists are sometimes called pesco-pollo-tarians.

Pescetarian is someone who does not eat meat but eats fish.

Pescetarians eat the meat of fish and other non-mammalian sea creatures, but not of birds or reptiles, nor of mammals. Mafists avoid only the meat of mammals. They eat poultry and fish. (I guess they might also eat reptiles. [Yahoo Answers]

Also read: Mafism — Scribd

Solution 2:

Mafism or mafist seems to be a correct answer, since the you asked for a single word. However, this word doesn't seem to be in common use; it doesn't seem to appear in any dictionary, doesn't have any Google Trends data. I have never heard it before now. So if you choose to use this word you will likely have to clarify the meaning.

What I have heard many people say is that they don't eat red meat. This isn't one word, but it commonly used. Red meat is a synonym for mammal meat, while white meat is used for the meat of other animals, usually fish and birds.

Also there are many different reasons one might choose a certain diet such as this or vegetarianism. Not wanting to eat something that is "too similar to us" is a possible reason, but health reasons or ecological reasons are common.