What do you call doing someone a favor but then talking about it making her feel indebted to you?

Solution 1:

"Guilt tripping" was the first thing to come to mind. It means to make someone feel guilty. It's generic and doesn't specify what type of guilt, so it could be used in the context of making someone feel guilty for their efforts in doing them a favor. Keep in mind, it's somewhat more colloquial, and is often spelled with a hyphen (e.g., guilt-tripping).

Alan: Hey I did that but it was really hard. I usually don't do that for anyone. It took a long time of me.

Bill: Ow, yeah, now you are guilt tripping me. When you do someone a favor, it is not nice to guilt trip them for it.


  • Definition: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/guilt-trip
  • Examples and Colloquialness: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/guilt_trip