Word for when you're looking for something and it's in your hand

What's the word for when you're looking for something and it's in your hand or in front of you?


  • Looking for your phone and it's in your hand.
  • I had put on my spectacles and I was looking for them.

Does this phenomenon have a name?

Part of speech: it's a name of the phenomenon so it should be a noun. It can be a compound noun or a single word.

I searched many different things but did not find anything helpful.

How about absentmindedness? From Lexico:

absentminded: (of a person or a person's behavior or manner) having or showing a habitually forgetful or inattentive disposition.

Forgetfulness could also work.

forgetfulness: lapse of memory

Examples of absentmindedness and forgetfulness:

Looking for your phone and it's in your hand.

I had put on my spectacles and I was looking for them.