A problem with a prepositional phrase in the sentence of a poem

The following is the sentence:

Is it the graceful blessing
that vivifies the existence
and whose nectar for seekers
is an unparalleled opulence?

My problem is with the position of the prepositional phrase for seekers.

If it is not used in that location, then it will be difficult to manage a rhyming scheme.

And I don't know if 'the' should be used before seekers.

Solution 1:

It looks correct to me. I write poetry/songs, and I firsthand have thought that locations of prepositional phrases were an issue. However, after receiving feedback from teachers throughout my education (along with submitting poetry with these types of 'issues'), they explain that poetry has no limit. Most poets break some rules of grammar and all that, so you wouldn't be the first.

I hope that helps.