Are sentences like 'It do be vibing' considered grammatically correct?

In this day and age, it seems that there is a lot of cases when a common sentence is not particularly 'correct' or grammatical.

"It do be vibing." There are many variations to sentences like these, but just out of curiosity, I was wondering if it is technically correct to use "do be" like this. Another example may be "He do be having fun."

Solution 1:

This is AAVE — African-American Vernacular English.

No, it's not grammatical in standard English. AAVE has a different system of grammar (in particular with respect to verbs), and it is a common verb form in AAVE.

In AAVE, this is a habitual verb form. From Wikipedia::

[It is used] to mark habitual or extended actions ... [it] indicates that a subject repeatedly does an action or embodies a trait.

I can't say whether all people who don't speak AAVE use this "meme" only for habitual actions