What's the word for those video rectangles of each person on Skype?

In a group call on a Skype or Zoom session, there are these video screens for each person:


What are these video containers called?

Solution 1:

I have been using Zoom for work reasons almost every day since the middle of March. My initial thought was "frame" or "video frame", but I couldn't find a single reference using that term anywhere on the web.

So I continued searching and finally landed on a page entitled "Glossary of Zoom Terms". https://vtcri.kayako.com/article/160-glossary-of-zoom-terms. It is maintained by Virginia Tech's Fralin Biomedical Research Institute (FBRI). The Glossary had no answer to the question, but the site did offer something called the "FBRI Help Center": https://vtcri.kayako.com.

I provided my email to the Help Center and was able to ask what the video rectangles were called. Within a couple of hours, I received an email with an answer.

Here it is: "Those smaller video screens of your meeting participants are referred to as 'thumbnails.'"

The message was signed by Bradley Anglin, AV Coordinator, VTC Fralin Biomedical Research Institute. I hope that's helpful.

Solution 2:

The best term I can think of is video feed, which is used in Zoom’s documentation:

Show/Hide self view: Show or Hide your video feed on the Zoom Room's display. If video is turned off, this will show or hide your name or profile picture.

See MW’s definition of feed:

the act or process of feeding a signal (such as an audio or video transmission) to a station for broadcast

also: the signal being fed