Is there a word or phrase for someone who is repeatedly told NOT to do something, does it anyway, and gets hostile when it's mentioned? [duplicate]

Someone who is repeatedly told NOT to do something, does it anyway, and gets hostile when it's mentioned?

Someone who repeats behavior after being told not to nicely >6 times, gets called out and reacts as if the person requesting the change is being cruel or abusive. (Victimizes self to deflect blame for their own behavior).

Solution 1:

"recalcitrant" may fit the bill though it does not convey the "casting oneself in the role of a victim" aspect.

From Collins

  • If you describe someone or something as recalcitrant, you mean that they are unwilling to obey orders or are difficult to deal with.

From TFD

  • Stubbornly resistant to or defiant of authority or guidance. A person who is recalcitrant rebels against authority.

Solution 2:

How about brat? From M-W:

brat: an ill-mannered annoying child; an ill-mannered immature person

A brat could be a child or an adult -- it's age neutral. And one knows one when one sees one. N.B.: Wow! Four uses of one in a one short sentence!