What's the recommended way to install Wordpress from packages on a server?

I've got a LAMP server available from http://91.xxx.xx.xx/ (just an example IP address), and I'd like to install Wordpress there.

I've gone as far as doing a simple sudo apt-get install wordpress to install Wordpress, but I'm not too sure about the set of best-practice steps after that.

I've read the documentation to install Wordpress in the Ubuntu wiki, but it is out-of-date. Also I couldn't figure it out from the /usr/share/doc/wordpress/README.Debian provided in the wordpress package.

Here are some additional notes of what I'm trying to do with the site:

  • The server is running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
  • Wordpress and any other software required should be installed from packages from the official Ubuntu repositories
  • I'm not planning to use juju
  • Wordpress should be available from http://91.xxx.xx.xx/ directly (i.e. not from http://91.xxx.xx.xx/blog or http://91.xxx.xx.xx/wordpress)

I'd appreciate any help with the clear set of recommended steps after the initial installation of the wordpress package to get the site up and running, as there's lots of info out there, but it seems to be out-of-date.

Solution 1:

Using packages from ubuntu repos is a best way to get tested software but also be informed that it might take some time before you get new package updates and these updates usually come with new ubuntu versions. Okay so let's get started.

  1. follow the link < http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz> to download latest stable wordpress package.

  2. deflate (uncompress) its content to your web server's root folder. Usually /var/www/. Ensure that in the your web servers root folder you can find the following folders just to be sure wp-admin, wp-content, wp-includes

  3. then go to your server address and begin the 5 minute install. You said yours is at http://91.xxx.xxx.xxx

  4. if later on you want wordpress in another folder deflate the wordpress package to /var/www/blog if you want it to appear at http://91.xxx.xxx.xxx/blog

Solution 2:

I know this thread is a bit old but I still respond and share my thoughts since this is the only post I've ever found on askubuntu.com about utilizing wordpress from apt-get. After a few hours of try and error, I concluded that we better use source install from wordpress.org rather than using Ubuntu binary package from apt-get. My reasonings:

  • Official doc did not work out of the box as of today (2/09/2014 while its last update was 1/31/2014, about a week ago). In my case I got an error and needed a workaround [1].

  • Even though I was able to run wordpress installed from apt-get with the workaround I mentioned above, I ended up finding the working version was 3.3.1 (as package.ubuntu.com says so too for Precise), when the latest available version on the server that's installed from source was 3.8.x, and the Dashboard thinks it's the latest. I couldn't find a way to tell it the actual latest version is way more advanced. So here I agree with the advantage in this comment.

My environment; Ubuntu 12.04 Server on Amazon EC2

[1] Error on browser when accessing http://YOURDOMAIN/wordpress

Neither /etc/wordpress/config-ec2-54-201-233-60.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com.php nor /etc/wordpress/config-us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com.php could be found.
Ensure one of them exists, is readable by the webserver and contains the right password/username.

Workaround: Putting aside two files by like

$ /etc/wordpress/config-localhost.php config-localhost.php.org && sudo mv wp-config.php wp-config.php.org