how to add windows 8 entry to grub after boot-repair

I installed ubuntu 14.04 in a dual boot (with windows 8.1) but my pc directly boots into ubuntu. For that I did a boot-repair->recommended repair. But all I got was grub menu with an option to boot to ubuntu.

here is the ubuntu pastebin file I got at the end of boot-repair:

It seems to identify the windows 8 partition, but I don't know how to add an entry for the same in the grub menu.

I searched the net but I couldn't understand the procedure (I am a newbie..)

So pl help me guys..

Thanx in advance..

According to your link [] you installed Ubuntu in /dev/sda5.

Then do the following steps to reinstall grub and recover Windows entry:

Boot from live CD/Flash and do steps:

Open Terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T and type the commands one by one.

  1. Mount /dev/sda5 by the following commands:

    sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt
    for i in /sys /proc /run /dev;do sudo mount --bind "$i" "/mnt$i";done
  2. Now we mounted the /dev/sda5. just run below command to switch to root directory of Ubuntu:

    sudo chroot /mnt
  3. And run below command to install grub to main partition /dev/sda:

    grub-install /dev/sda
  4. Update grub and exit and reboot your system. it will fix.

    sudo reboot

I hope this helps.