Cannot create folder: /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed

I am trying to disable Google chrome's incognito mode by following the instructions here:

How to disable Chrome's Incognito Mode?

(the first answer)

I am unsure as to how to create the folders needed. Could someone please give clear, simple, steps as I am a newcomer... Running: Vanilla Ubuntu 15.10 on an Asus laptop.

Since, you want an easy explanation to the tutorial you pointed, I am just going to elaborate here:

  1. Open terminal from Dash. Type:

    sudo nautilus

  2. Then, navigate to File System > etc > opt

  3. Create a new folder "chrome". Enter the folder.

  4. Create a new folder "policies". Enter the folder.

  5. Create a new folder "managed". Enter the folder.

  6. Now, right-click and Create a new document. Name it: "anyname.json".

  7. Exit nautilus.

  8. Close the terminal window.

  9. Open new terminal window and type:

sudo gedit /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed/anyname.json

  1. Then in gedit, enter:


"IncognitoModeAvailability": 1


  1. Finally, save the file and exit it. Now, you should be able to get what you needed.