How to install Canon MP610 printer on Ubuntu 12.04 x64

Making a wiki because it doesn't seem like Arkadius is going to adhere to the site guidelines and move the answer out of his question.

  1. Ensure you do not have any other canon drivers, either from canon it self or from other ppas by remove all other cannon PPAs you may have tried to install to fix this issue.

  2. Remove any previously configured versions of your printer.

  3. Remove the cnijfilter driver if it is installed:

    sudo apt-get remove cnijfilter*
  4. Add the following repository:

    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:robbiew/cups-bjnp
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install
  5. Install cups for cannon and gutenprint:

    sudo apt-get install cups-bjnp printer-driver-gutenprint
  6. Restart CUPS:

    sudo restart cups
  7. Add yourself to group lp:

    sudo usermod -G lp -a your_user_name
  8. Add the printer:

    • Click the Cog up in the right-hand corner of the screen and select Printers.
    • Turn on the printer and > make sure it is connected.
    • When the Printers windows appears, click +Add and wait a few minutes.
    • Your printer should appear within the configuration wizard.
    • Click the defaults and continue on. Cups should identify your printer.

Source: Cups seems broken under 12.04 LTS...