how to hide public ip adress on irc channel

I have public ip address (for example When somebody type /who on irc channel he sees:
[email protected]
How can I hide under a domain? For example [email protected]

Solution 1:

Depending on the network you're connecting to, there are many ways to do this.


Some networks have a usermode +x, which will mask your IP address. It requires you to have a registered account, on most networks. Once you've identified, you can do:

/mode YourNick +x


Some networks have the option to enable vhosts or cloaks. Enabling vhost will turn [email protected] into [email protected]

Basically a Vhost a string of letters and numbers, with periods instead of spaces. Many networks have HostServ services, and enabling your vhost is really easy. Once you've identified, you can request a vhost:

/msg hostserv request

Some networks like freenode provide users with cloaks. It's used to show affiliation (or lack thereof) to a particular group or project, but it also masks your IP as a side-effect. To get a cloak, you can join the #help channel for that network, and request a cloak there.


Some networks allow access via Tor. The instructions for setting up Tor on freenode network can be found in the links given below:

  • Tor Setup
  • About Tor

I hope this helps :)

Solution 2:

The easiest way would be using bouncer/BNC. In short, the bouncer connects to the server for you. There are many advantages beside hiding the IP. Please read instructions in bouncer as the usage may vary.

Here is a list of bouncers.