How do I turn off GDB TUI?

Solution 1:

You can enter / leave the TUI mode with one of this combinations:

  • C-x C-a
  • C-x a
  • C-x A

This is typically (no need to lift the Ctrl key):

  • Ctrl + X + A

Solution 2:

Beacause of the bug Ulerich mentioned which breaks the mappings if you have vi mode in your .inputrc, I have requested a workaround at and Andrew Burgess replied that he had just submitted a well received patch to add:

tui enable
tui disable

so in future versions we should have commands as an alternative to the shortcuts.

I have later tested this on GDB 8.1 in Ubuntu 18.04 and it worked perfectly.

But then I saw the light and moved from TUI to GDB Dashboard which is simply more powerful and less buggy.

See also: