"so, if you know any schools looking for a physics teacher, I'm down.", the meaning of "I'm down"

A Candian friend said this to me today:

so, if you know any schools looking for a physics teacher, I'm down.

What does "I'm down" mean here? Apparently it doesn't mean "I am upset".

An English teacher told me that it means "I will join in".

Could anyone explain it and tell me which entry (a link is much appreicated) in dictionary fit this meaning? Because I tried Oxford dictionary, Collions and Merriam Webster, I couldn't find related entry. Thanks

Solution 1:

It's slang. Because it's slang, Urban Dictionary is a relevant resource.

  1. To be 'With It or in 'the know how', knowledgeable about something, or to give respect/recognition to something.
  2. To be keen for something.

While (1) doesn't fit, (2) does.

so, if you know any schools looking for a physics teacher, I'm keen; I'm eager.

A synonymous usage would be "I'm up for it"; slang often develops by (mis-)using words with a meaning opposite to their customary meaning.

  1. informal Ready to take part in (a particular activity)

Oxford via Lexico