Is there a special term for when a noun is used to describe another noun? [duplicate]

Is there a term for when a noun is used as an adjective, as in:

  • Click the button to open the configuration dialog.
  • I need to stop at the car wash.
  • The train station is right next to the bus station.
  • Do you have documentation for the setup process?
  • I'm throwing a party, and the entire ELU community is invited.
  • Hopefully, the party won't get busted by the grammar police again.

Is there a word to describe that?

Also, are those even adjectives? Or are they adverbs or something?

(I feel like this must be a duplicate (?) but I could only find questions about when adjectives are used as nouns, not the other way around...)

Solution 1:

There are several terms for this: attributive noun, qualifying noun, noun adjunct, noun modifier. ("Adjectival noun" is an older term for it as well.)

It is still a noun—not an adjective or adverb—but it's used to modify another noun an way similar to what adjectives do.

An adjective can be used after the noun: The large station / the station is large

But an attributive noun can't: The train station / *The station is train