Problem with running genymotion in KDE desktop

1- I have a problem in running genymotion in KDE Plasma desktop in ubuntu 14.04 but it works in default ubuntu desktop corectly!

It gives me an error like this:

    linux@younes:~$ ~/genymotion/genymotion
    Logging activities to file: /home/linux/.Genymobile/genymotion.log
    Aborted (core dumped)

please help me

This one helped me try it,

Installing the libs:

apt-get install libxi-dev libxmu-dev

Moving the Qt libs inside the Genymotion installation directory Code:

mkdir QtLibs && mv *Qt*.so* QtLibs

Try to read what log says.

I had the same problem and just solved it. I already had LibQt* files inside the genymotion folder. Then I deleted all the libQt* files from the folder. Now it works like a charm. The genymotion development team has also said to delete these files.