Ubuntu sensors, how to decrease temperatures' threshold?

Solution 1:

With command:

sudo sensors -u coretemp-isa-0000

You can see what options are available for each physical chip.

Create file in /etc/sensors.d/:

sudo touch /etc/sensors.d/isa-coretemp

then edit new file with:

chip "coretemp-isa-0000"
   label temp2 "Core 0"
   compute temp2 @-20,@-20 

   label temp3 "Core 1"
   compute temp3 @-20,@-20
  • Line label temp2 "Core 0" only change label;
  • Line compute temp2 @-20,@-20 reduce high temperature of 20 degrees (first @-20) and critic temperature also of 20 degrees (second @-20)

Now, typing sensors you should see the new settings.


Refer to man sensors.conf:

Only  certain  chips  support thermal sensor type change, 
and even these usually only support some of the types above.
Please refer to the specific driver documentation to find out which types
are supported by your chip.

In theory, the BIOS should have configured the sensor types correctly,
so you shouldn't have to touch them, but sometimes  it isn't the case.