vlc doesn't run again after quit

When I open a media with vlc, it works nice until I close the window. After closing it, it resist on memory and double clicking on any media on my system doesn't open it for playing.

I can kill it with System Monitor or Terminal command. After doing this, everything works again until I close vlc.

I have read VLC doesn't open when double-clicking file on Nautilus but the solutions don't fix my problem. I doubt that the problem is the same.

I'm tired of killing vlc again and again. Any help would be appreciated.

This is probably a problem with the OpenGL drivers (or Mesa graphics library. See issue: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues/116). You should change the video output mode.

Go to Tools > Preferences > Video and then set the value for Output field to XVideo output (XCB).

On Kubuntu 20.04, same thing BUT can NOT kill VLC process from system monitor. have to right click file in the monitor and "send signal" and choose kill