Meaning of “the artist that perishable tissue has to think” and “with these” [closed]

Solution 1:

What does he mean by "the artist that perishable tissue has to think"?

Perishable tissue here means perishable human tissue. The above statement means that the artist regrets that humans (perishable tissue) have to think.

Who is he referring to when he says "with these"

These refers to the philosopher on the one hand, and the artist on the other.

Why does the artist regret that perishable tissue has to think?

This question really gets to the crux of the passage. Their is a dichotomy set up in the text. On the one hand you have the thinking philosopher: rationality, calculation, reflection, pensivity. On the other you have the creative artist: emotional, sensual, feeling.

The artist regrets that humans have to think because that is the domain of the philosopher, the artist does not sit and think while creating art, for the artist thinking is a distraction.