Sports word for winning by opponent quitting

Is there not a word that denotes when a competitor wins by someone else in the tournament refusing to play them or outright quits / steps down?

Isn't there some formal word to denote this type of giving up? I'm not sure but I believe it may also be applicable to when someone is disqualified for whatever reason they yield the rank to the one left standing? Maybe I'm mixing things up.

Win by default:

if you win a game or competition by default, you win because the other person does not play or does not finish the game.

(MacMillan Dictionary)

From The Wisconsin Times

Terry McCoy won by default when his opponent refused to wrestle after receiving a minor injury during the match.

From Events, Places and Societies edited by Nicholas Wise, John Harris

Durban's Commonwealth Games 2022 (CWG2022) bid is a unique case study of an event that was “won by default” because the only other competitor, Edmonton, withdrew their bid in February 2015 – citing economic woes, especially the fall in global oil prices (Akinadewo, 2015).

Usage instances of “win by forfeit” vs “win by default” in Google Books

To win by forfeit.

From MW:

by forfeit


as a result of forfeiting by the opposing side

We won the game by forfeit when the opposing side failed to show up.

From Cambridge:


verb [T]

to give up or lose something because you cannot do something that the rules or the law says you must do:

She had to forfeit the tennis match after she fell and hurt her wrist.