Suitable saying for "different people like/dislike different things"?

Solution 1:


to each their own

one has a right to one's personal preferences AHD

Solution 2:

There's the proverb different strokes for different folks.

Citing Oxford:

Different things appeal to different people.

Solution 3:

Consider "One man's meat is another man's poison".

From The Free Dictionary:

Something that one person likes may be distasteful to someone else.

Fred: What do you mean you don't like French fries? They're the best food in the world!
Alan: One man's meat is another man's poison.

Jill: I don't understand why Don doesn't like to read science fiction. It's the most interesting thing to read.
Jane: One man's meat is another man's poison.

Solution 4:

I would suggest One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Solution 5:

In the UK, a very popular proverb for what you describe is horses for courses. From Wiktionary:

  1. (chiefly Britain, idiomatic) Different people are suited for different jobs or situations; what is fitting in one case may not be fitting in another.

  2. (chiefly Britain, idiomatic) The practice of choosing the best person for a particular job, the best response for a situation, or the best means to achieve a specific end.

From that same source, also consider it takes all kinds to make a world.