Is there a word/idiom/proverb for this Hindi phrase? [duplicate]
Solution 1:
"Even a blind squirrel finds a few acorns."
Meaning: if you try enough times, you'll occasionally get the right result.
A less fitting example is:
"Even a broken clock is right twice a day."
Meaning: if you take the same approach to enough situations, it will occasionally be the right approach.
Solution 2:
Try every option available, one will surely succeed.
Do you have any magical idiom/proverb or magic word for it that Google is trying to hide from me?
We often call this taking a shotgun approach. For example, "We took a shotgun approach to the problem and eventually found a solution".
The term refers to the way a shotgun fires a large number of small pellets, not particularly accurately, but because of the wide spread of the shot it is very likely to hit a target.