Is "nice" better than "ok"?

I need help in a T or F exercise:

In the passage I have "The soup tastes OK." In a question I have "The soup tastes nice."? Is it False? Thanks in advance!

Solution 1:

The question doesn’t work well if it expects just a simple, definitive, binary answer.

It is true to the extent that a half-consumed glass of milk is still full of milk. “Okay” and “nice” have some semantic overlap, so one could argue for the statement to be True.

Alternatively, you could argue that it is False because if you asked someone, “Is it nice?” they could politely respond in the negative by saying, “It was ok.” Clearly, opposites don’t equate.

Nevertheless, that’s English for you - or language, more generally. Utterances can carry a lot more than syntax and dictionary definitions. The literary context as well as non-verbal cues can swing an interpretation one way or the other.