English word (verb) for 'something that has left you a mark' or an experience that you will remember

Etch (verb) is used figuratively in the idiom "be etched in (into/on) one's memory (heart/mind)".

(figuratively) To make a lasting impression.

The memory of 9/11 is etched into my mind.


Macmillan gives a more clear definition but for the adjective etched:

if something is etched on your mind or memory, you can still remember it very clearly, sometimes when you would prefer to forget it

I believe there are both verb and adjective definitions because of the blur between a canonical passive and a participle used as an adjective in the idiom.

"Indelible impression" is a term often used, as in "I saw the 'Lord of the Rings' when I was young and it left an indelible impression me."