What's a word that means "making fun of" with a positive connotation? Like the comment is not harmful

I'm trying to say that my classmates "tease" me for always having so much enthusiasm regardless of the amount of work we have. My goal is to show that my enthusiam is a good thing. Is tease a good word here? Is there a better alternative?

They pull your leg about it.

It is a well-known idiom which means precisely what you describe.

The following is an extract from the OED.

pull verb - phrases:

P7 a. to pull a person's leg: to deceive a person humorously or playfully; to tease a person.

1821 J. Gallatin Diary 3 May (1914) 184 I really think father, in a covert way, pulls his leg. I know he thinks little of his talents and less of his manners.

1883 Wellsboro (Pa.) Agitator 20 Feb. 1/5 The Chinese giant once told me he had half a dozen wives at home, but I think he was pulling my leg.

1888 W. B. Churchward ‘Blackbirding’ in S. Pacific 216 Then I shall be able to pull the leg of that chap Mike.

1905 Athenæum 22 July 122/3 We..suspect that some Irish harper was ‘pulling the author's leg’ when he gave it.

1946 C. Bush Case Second Chance i. 8 I tried to pull his leg about the grave loss he had suffered when the Army had called me up.

1976 F. A. Hoffmann in V. Randolph Pissing in Snow ix. 18 (note)
Everyone harbors the wish that he can be ready with an appropriate rejoinder when someone attempts to pull his leg or make him the butt of a joke.

2000 I. Welsh in N. Hornby Speaking with Angel 174 He punched me lightly on the shoulder.—C'mon Joe, I'm only pulling your leg,..he said.