Idiom for opposite of "chain is only as strong as its weakest link"?

Generally when working in teams, people are quick to say the common adage that

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link

Which implies that it only takes one poor team member to destroy a team's work. However I was wondering if anyone knew of any opposite versions of this, in which one strong member on a team can lead the team to success, or, more specifically what I am looking for, the idea that one weak member can grow stronger from those team members helping around them. A quick thought I made up myself went as

If the strong help the weak lift weights in the gym, soon all will be strong.

But I was wondering if there was something more established I hadn't heard of.

Solution 1:

There is the expression the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

From "Injection: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts" by Duff Anderson:

Aristotle said that, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” In other words, when individual parts are connected together to form one entity, they are worth more than if the parts were in silos. This is relevant when we connect what customers say with what customers do, as the understanding of their needs and ability to respond to them is improved exponentially.

Or, to restate it again, a single person, great or small, doesn't determine the worth of a team. In a team, the synergy of everyone involved leads to its success (or failure).