What do you call an office separated into individual spaces?
It is an open space with cubicle setting:
Тhe cubicle is a partially enclosed workspace in an office which is separated from neighboring workspaces by partitions that are usually 5–6 feet (1.5–1.8 m) tall.
Its purpose is to isolate office workers and managers from the sights and noises of an open workspace so that they may concentrate with fewer distractions.
Cubicles are composed of modular elements such as walls, work surfaces, overhead bins, drawers, and shelving, which can be configured depending on the user's needs.
A slightly different take than Mike's
Cubalcatraz (or Cubicaltraz as UD has it).
Cubicaltraz is a reference to the prizon like atmosphere that pervades the business office and cubicalvilles everywhere. A combination of Alcatraz and cubical.
Urban Dictionary "cubicaltraz"
Also consider deskicle
Meaning : n. A half-desk, half cubicle workspace designed to foster a collaborative environment and remove privacy via atypically lower walls. Commonly appear in groups.
Example : He was walking by my deskicle and totally caught me slacking.
AZdictionary "deskicle".
This looks like an attractive Open Plan office, enhanced as it is with a plant and lots of natural light.