No extreme is good

What is the best way to say in English that 'no extreme is good'? It just doesn't sound English at all.. I need to express that we should seek a moderate solution to a problem and avoid extreme solutions both to the 'right' and to the 'left'.

Seeking a moderate path between extreme alternatives is called seeking a 'middle course' or finding the 'middle ground'.

Note that this saying is more of a positive, expressing the best course of action rather than being the negative expression.

A middle course

NOUN an option or alternative between more extreme alternatives

Collins Dictionary

Middle ground

noun [ U ] UK /ˌmɪd.əl ˈɡraʊnd/ US /ˌmɪd.əl ˈɡraʊnd/

a position between two opposite opinions in an argument, or between two descriptions:

Cambridge Dictionary

General election: Jeremy Corbyn aims for Brexit middle ground

[This is just a headline, I am not expressing a personal opinion.]

Sky News - 5th November 2019