Change Visual Studio Code's title bar color

Solution 1:

  1. Menu FilePreferencesSettings

  2. Look for "window.titleBarStyle": "native", copy it to your user settings, and change it to "window.titleBarStyle": "custom". It will adapt your theme now.

  3. If the current color is not what you want or you want to tweak it, try doing this.

  4. In your user settings, add the following.

    "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
        "[Name of the Current Theme you are using]": {
            "titleBar.activeBackground": "#191919cc",
    "window.titleBarStyle": "custom"

Solution 2:

cmd palette

Open menu FilePreferencesSettings and add the following setting:

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
  "titleBar.activeBackground": "#553955" // Change this color!
"window.titleBarStyle": "custom"


From the following source:

Colorful Visual Studio Code titlebars for better productivity