WCF Contract Name 'IMyService' could not be found?

[ServiceContract] was missing in my case.

@Garry (a bit late, I know)

If your ServiceContract attribute defines a ConfigurationName, this should be the value in the endpoint, not the fully qualified name. I just had this problem now as described by the OP, and this was the solution for me. Hope this helps someone else who stumbles across this.

This is a slightly more uncommon solution, that applied to my situation with the same error:

It's possible that the contract namespace can be overridden, with the following attribute:

[System.ServiceModel.ServiceContractAttribute([...], ConfigurationName = "IServiceSoap")]
public interface ISomeOtherServiceName

Which would require:

<endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="IServiceSoap" />

Rather than the usual (namespace).ISomeOtherServiceName.

This can be a result of code generation, in my case WSCFBlue