Searching for a non-neutral term that means "Enjoys risk" which is not Daredevil or Gambler

Are you looking for "adventurous"?

"adventurous" (adj.)

  • "Willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences." Origin: Middle English from Old French aventureus, from aventure. Lexico
  • "Ready to take risks or to deal with new or unexpected problems. Adventurous implies a willingness to accept risks but not necessarily imprudence." MW


Adventurous youngsters went on a hike through the forest. MW

He is an adventurous cook who is always trying new recipes. MW

Somebody who enjoys taking risks because of the feeling it brings is, in general, a sensation-seeker or, more colloquially, an adrenaline junkie.

From the definition of adrenaline junkie at Lexico (Oxford Dictionaries):

A person with a compulsive desire for excitement and adventure.

‘a bit of an adrenaline junkie, he appears to have no regard for his own safety’
‘All his experiences disarming and disposing of bombs made him an adrenaline junkie.’
‘An adrenaline junkie from an early age, Aaron was into every extreme sport you can imagine.’

From "Can You Be Addicted to Adrenaline?" by Shahram Heshmat at Psychology Today:

Adrenaline is a substance released in the body when a person feels a strong emotion, such as excitement, fear, or anger. The adrenaline rush usually occurs when the body senses danger, the “fight or flight” moment.

Some people, known as sensation-seekers, are adrenaline junkies. Psychologist Marvin Zuckerman defines sensation-seeking behavior as the pursuit of novel and intense experiences without regard for physical, social, legal, or financial risk. Sensation-seeking is a general personality trait. And like any personality trait, it is more than 50 percent determined by heredity.

From "Why gamblers get high even when they lose" by Chris Baraniuk at BBC Future:

The first thing to note is that people don’t just gamble for the prospect of winning. Mark Griffiths, a psychologist at Nottingham Trent University who specialises in behavioural addictions points out that gamblers list a wide range of motivations for their habit.

In a survey of 5,500 gamblers, the prospect of the chance to “win big money” was the strongest factor. But it was followed closely by “because it’s fun” and “because it’s exciting”.

"Even when you’re losing while you’re gambling, your body is still producing adrenalin and endorphins," he says.