Running out of prepositions besides In Under and At

I'm trying to write a piece where it tells where a student came from but I keep using In under and at. Are there any other things to replace that? I looked up synonyms but it wasn't very helpful.

What I have is: They are a student at the University of X, Belgium under their School of Engineering, in the Department of Engineering and Computer Science, under their Communications and Technology program, interning at their 5g lab.

I have to have all the information but it just looks...heavy?

Thanks for the help!

Best regards, Nick

Complicated titles are mere matters of fact in the academic world. It only gets worse when it's an endowed program or chair. You'd be adding the John Smith School of Engineering Program of Engineering and Computer Science.

How you write this is a determined by how you need to present it.

If I were writing a novel or a long form description of someone, I'd break it into more than one sentence:

The student was interning at the 5G lab, at the Engineering School of the University of X in Belgium. The lab was a part of the Computer Science and Technology program, under the auspices of the Department of Engineering and Computer Science.

If I were writing someone's bio blurb where the flow was less important than the information I'd use a semi-colon or comma to delineate the divisions:

John Smith: Intern at the 5G lab, Computer Science and Technology program; Department of Engineering and Computer Science; Engineering School, University of X, Belgium.