Is there an idiom for a pair of things, one interesting and one boring?

I'm trying to describe two kinds of mechanics in a game, one kind that is rather boring, bland and simple, and one that is more rich, complex and flavourful. I'm trying to figure out an idiom / phrase to illustrate the point, but all the ones I can think of have a different meaning - "meat and potatoes" and "bread and butter" for example both allude to "the most basic thing", rather than a contrast between two things.

The kind of sentence I'm looking to make is "The A and B of game mechanics - the boring stat increases are A, rather bland and simple, while mechanics that change the game are the B, interesting and flavourful", or something along those lines.

What would be a good idiom / phrase to express the contrast between two things?

A phrase that fits your description is chalk and cheese, usually seen in the expression as different as chalk and cheese.

The page What Does Chalk and Cheese Mean? from Writing explained includes an explanation of the expression as well as its etymology and examples of it in various dialogues:

The expression simply contrasts very different things, not necessarily things that are boring, bland and simple with things that rich, complex and flavourful. But it seems to fit your context. After all, who would rather eat chalk than cheese?