Is it possible to make Chrome load tab on demand like in Firefox? So that when I start Chrome and it loads the last session with plenty of tabs, only when I click on a tab will that tab load and not loading everything instantly like usual?

Solution 1:

Like many other users, I too would like to see the "Load Tab on Demand" feature in Chrome, same like Firefox has.

Seems like recently at least one custom solution (extention) appeared. It is called FooTab (at the moment of writing this answer it is in BETA).

It seems to be not very perfect though (again, at the moment of writing this answer). The author of this extension says on this project's official page (quote):

I've written it over a weekend while learning Chrome's API, so it might be a bit unpolished ;) I just couldn't believe it's not possible to do something about Chrome's startup tab loading mess.

Turns out it's possible, but results are pretty unstable depending on OS, Chrome version and computer's speed.

I didn't publish it on Web Store, because I don't have a developer account and don't want to pay entry fee to publish a free extension.

Also read here: FooTab makes Chrome to Load Tabs on demand on Startup