How do I view the my network map in windows 8.1?

I've recently discovered an extremely useful feature called Link Layer Topology Discovery in Windows 7 - I click on "See Full Map" in the network and sharing center. enter image description here

And it outputs this lovely, very useful network diagram

enter image description here

However, in windows 8 and later, See Full Map is missing. However, the underlying protocols for LLTD are still available, and my system is detected.

enter image description here

How would I access the full network map from windows 8.1 or later versions of windows?

I'd also want to use LLTD, not a 'naive' IP address scan as was suggested in one of the answers. Unlike a IP address scan, it works on layer 2, and detects things like which access point a system is connected to in my multi-ap setup, and which systems are connected to the same switch. I'm looking at LLDP as an alternative, but thats a whole different kettle of fish

Hmmm... this may not be possible natively. But, you can always use an external tool. One such tool is LanScan. From this post's recommendation: