What causes strange CPU usage output of htop in Bash on Windows

I have the same exact issue:


As you can see I only have htop running and it barely uses 1.0% of CPU, on Windows I'm below 10% CPU usage while doing this. Even worse is that Thread 4 always has a green bar way bigger than the others. The percentage of all of them is always between 50-60%.

I believe it's an issue of implementation or just a bug, remember "bash on Windows" is still in beta. If someone knows a fix or at least a workaround that would be good.

Additional info regarding bash and potential issues during the beta: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/about?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396 (read the Important note)

There is a pretty simple explanation. Bash on windows does not have access to the CPU data of the hosting windows machine. Therefore, output of top, htop or whatever you are planning to use until Microsoft solves this issue will not show you real CPU usage.