No way to choose wayland in GDM using UbuntuGNOME 17.04

Try this (highly experimental according to nVIDIA, but actually worked in my case)

sudo modprobe -r nvidia-drm 
sudo modprobe nvidia-drm modeset=1

I tried a lot of workarounds but nvidia drivers don't support wayland session using gdm and gnome. The only way to get it running was to set modeset=1 with sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf using nvidia-381. After sudo update-initramfs -u and rebooting I was able to log into wayland, but that workaround breaks something as I was not able to run anything as root or superuser. I hope there will be a fix soon. The only way to set it back is to switch to tty and using nano instead of gedit to set the entries to their defaults.