installing postgres on ubuntu package not available

Solution 1:

In Ubuntu official repositories only PostgreSQL 9.1 is available. That is why it couldn't be found.

In order to get PostgreSQL v9.2 in your VPS using apt you should follow the official PostgreSQL procedure for Ubuntu found here

It consists of adding PostgreSQL official repository as one of your repository source

  1. Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list

  2. Insert this line deb precise-pgdg main

  3. Import the repository signing key wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -

  4. Refresh your repositories cache sudo apt-get update

Now you can simply do sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.2

Solution 2:

The fact that you were able to install postgresql-9.2.3 on a different operating system using different repositories is not relevant.

If you query the Ubuntu repositories using the web or through apt, you will notice that the version shipped with quantal is 9.1.

The exact reason why postgresql-9.2.3 is not available in quantal is because it was not accepted in the released distribution by the time it was frozen.

To use postgresql-9.2.3 in Ubuntu, you need to compile it yourself. There are several approaches to this, like backporting or packaging an upstream release with checkinstall or fpm.