What service do you use for music on hold? [closed]

You can find lots of good royalty-free music at http://incompetech.com/m/c/royalty-free/. He's got lots of original content that is suitable for music on hold, and we use several songs available there.

Coincidentally, I found that site by Googling for "royalty free music".

For years we played the CDs of a band owned by a friend of mine (written and produced), it was jazzy with Latin flavors. He allowed this to happen, so no worry about paying him royalties. An idea would be to talk to a somewhat good local band(s) to see if they'd be willing to do the same thing. I'm not aware of online subscriptions... I certainly wouldn't pay for it those as I know a bunch of bands, I'm not aware of any legal causes against that.

Using a CD, copyrighted WMAs/MP3s, or the radio would be cause for some legal battles if caught: http://www.musiconhold.com/musiconhold/legal_issues_with_music_on_hold.php (Even though I also can't think of anyone being sued for this, I definitely wouldn't want to be 'the first one')

I am tempted to suggest that you look at using Creative Commons licensed music. It seems like this would be legal depending on what exact license it was under.