How to remove 'Administrator:' from the command promt title

There are another two possibilities here:

  • Use the cmd.exe from Windows XP
  • Modify the MUI data for cmd.exe:

You’ll need to modify the MUI data file for cmd.exe. This file is called cmd.exe.mui, and is located in C:\Windows\System32\en-US on a standard 32-bit, United States installation. For other languages, the en-US will be different, and for 64-bit installations, you’ll need to modify both the version in System32 and in SysWOW64.

  • First off, take ownership of cmd.exe.mui. Right-click on the file, click Advanced on the security tab. On the Owner tab, click Edit, and select the Administrators account.

  • Now, give access to modify the file. Go back into the properties for the file, click Edit on the Security tab, click Add, and enter Administrators, then make sure they have the Full Control option set to Allow.

  • Using a hex editor, resource editor, or other editor of your choice, modify the string in the file from “Administrator: %0” to “ %0” (That’s two spaces before the %0, don’t forget the null character at the end).

  • Save the file

  • Run mcbuilder.exe (this could take some time to run)

  • Reboot the computer.

(from this thread - note, you can use a space, but it has to be something.)

runas /trustlevel:0x20000 "cmd /k title My Awesome Command Prompt"

While it has been proven not to solve the problem in this bug, not everyone knows you can use the title command and set the title to whatever you want it to be.

Run the command prompt as a standard user (ie be logged in as a standard user).

If needed, you can always use runas to run commands as any other user including whatever adminstrative users you have.