"Dasometry": is this a common word in English? Is there more common alternative?

Solution 1:

Dasometry is probably the anglicized form of your local term, as for English texts the more common expression appears to be

Tree and Forest Measurement

Solution 2:

Dendrometry is the branch of botany that is concerned with the measurement of the various dimensions of trees, such as their diameter, size, shape, age, overall volume, thickness of the bark, etc., as well as the statistical properties of tree stands (including measures of central tendency and dispersion of these quantities), wood density, [and] yearly growth, for instance.

The most frequent measurements acquired in the field include

the Diameter at Breast Height (DBH)

the height of the tree

measures [of] contraction and relaxation of vessels

the horizontal dimension of the canopy


Though this word does not appear in most of the more respected commonly available online dictionaries (it is unsurprisingly in Wiktionary), it is doubtless in OED. Following are a couple of references from academic articles.

Automatic dendrometry: Tree detection, tree height and diameter estimation using terrestrial laser scanning

[CarlosCabo; International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation Volume 69, July 2018_Science Direct]

Avoiding Dendrometry Bias When Trees Lean or Taper

[L. R. Grosenbaugh: Oxford Academic_Forest Science_Volume 26, Issue 2, June 1980]