Difficult sentence in Nicomachean ethics by Aristotle

I am translating Aristotle' Nicomachean ethics into Vietnamese from the English translation done by J. A. Smith (Project Gutenberg). In Book VII of the work I came across a sentence which has proven incomprehensible to me. That is

Now a man may raise a question as to the nature of the right conception in violation of which a man fails of Self-Control.

I've refered to other interpretations as well and now I'm clear of what this line means. However, I still need to be sure about the structure of this sentence. Is this a relative clause with "of which"? If so, what does "which" here replace? Also, can somebody clarify the phrase "conception in violation"?

Solution 1:

Some words are used in unusual meanings and require clarification:


Conception: II 5 c c. Philosophy. The action or faculty of grasping or creating a general idea or concept.

1818 S. T. Coleridge Gen. Introd. or Treat. on Method 10 in Encycl. Metrop. I There are many marked differences between mathematical and physical studies; but in both a previous act and conception of the mind..is indispensably necessary.

1903 Mind 12 32 A diagram can only serve as an aid to mental conception; it does not directly show forth the real order.

2011 F. C. Beiser German Historicist Trad. iv. 189 He wields his powers of conception, which grasp all these details into a meaningful whole.

II. To fail of:To have a deficiency or want; to lack.

  1. b. to fail of: = 7. [See below]

1671 R. Bohun Disc. Wind 20 When the Atmosphere begins to thicken..wee seldom fail of a Wind.

1796 J. Morse Amer. Universal Geogr. (new ed.) I. 150 Whenever the continent shall come to fail of timber.

7. transitive. To be or become deficient in; to lack, want, be without. Now rare.

1869 E. A. Freeman Hist. Norman Conquest III. xi. 45 The Primate prayed that their chosen King might never fail the throne.

Now a man may raise a question as to the nature of the right conception in violation of which a man fails of Self-Control.

Of course, it is possible that someone might ask about the nature of “grasping the right concept”, and if they do not “grasping the right concept”, then they will lack self control.