How to make Jupyter Notebook to run on GPU?
I am answering my own question. Easiest way to do is use connect to Local Runtime ( then select hardware accelerator as GPU as shown in (
Install Miniconda/anaconda
Download CUDA Toolkit (acc to OS)
Follow this (for LINUX CUDA Toolkit):
a. Wget b. sudo mv /etc/apt/preferences.d/cuda-repository-pin-600 c. wget d. sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu2004-11-0-local_11.0.3-450.51.06-1_amd64.deb e. sudo apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-ubuntu2004-11-0-local/ f. sudo apt-get update g. sudo apt-get -y install cuda
Download and install cuDNN (create NVIDIA acc)
a. Paste the cuDNN files(bin,include,lib) inside CUDA Toolkit Folder.
Add CUDA path to ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES (see a tutorial if you need.)
Create an environment in miniconda/anaconda
Conda create -n tf-gpu Conda activate tf-gpu pip install tensorflow-gpu
Install Jupyter Notebook (JN)
pip install jupyter notebook
DONE! Now you can use tf-gpu in JN.
I've written a medium article about how to set up Jupyterlab in Docker (and Docker Swarm) that accesses the GPU via CUDA in PyTorch or Tensorflow.
Set up your own GPU-based Jupyter
I'm clear that you don't search for a solution with Docker, however, it saves you a lot of time when using an existing Dockerfile with plenty of packages required for statistics and ML.