Unable to resolve target 'android-16'

I have had the same problem, after an update I got a similar error.

It can be fixed to manually edit the project.properties file and update the android-16 part to the latest one you have installed. In your current case that is android-17.

I guess it can be configured using Android ADT as well, but I could not figure it out and this was quicker

Furthermore, you have to update your manifest as well, make sure you have android:targetSdkVersion set to 17.

If you're using Eclipse, try changing the target build to something higher than API 17 (Right click -> Properties -> Android -> Project Build Target).

If that removes the error, just change the target build back to API 17 afterwards.

I had this issue when importing android-support-v7-appcompat, and changing the target builds back and forth fixed my problem.

Worth noting:

My target in project.properties appeared to be set to target=Google Inc.:Google APIs:18. However, it seems that it was set somewhere else to 16. I had to change to target=Google Inc.:Google APIs:16, save, then save it back to 18, and then it worked.

From the Android SDK Manager, install Android SDK Tools for API version 16.